The Ultimate Guide to Cornhole
Do you want to know a secret? A fun, outdoor activity that is perfect for any group of people, regardless of their age or fitness level? It's cornhole! This simple game can be played just about anywhere and it's ridiculously easy to learn. But beware, once you start playing you may find yourself hooked.
If you've ever played Cornhole, also known as Bean Bag Toss or Tailgate Toss, you know it's a lot of fun. But if you're new to the game, you may not know how to play. If you are looking to learn how to play one of the most popular backyard games around, look no further than this page. It will teach you everything you need to know about the game and then some.
Whether you're playing for fun or in a competitive setting, cornhole is a great game to get involved in. In this guide you will learn about the history of the game, basic rules and tips and tricks for becoming a pro. It will also discuss equipment and so much more. Cornhole is one of the most popular lawn games around. It's easy to learn, but can take a lifetime to master. The best part is, it's always a blast to play. So grab a partner and get ready to toss some bags!
What is Cornhole, and How Do You Play It?
Cornhole is a game that is typically played outdoors. It is similar to horseshoes, but players throw bags of corn at a raised platform (boards) with a hole in the center. The game's object is to score points by throwing your bags so that they land on the platform or inside the hole. It's the perfect game to play when you have some friends over and want to enjoy the nice weather. Plus, it's really easy to learn how to play so anyone can join in on the fun!
The basic rules of Cornhole are pretty simple. First, you and your opponent take turns throwing bags at the boards, and you earn points based on where your bag lands. If you throw a bag and it stays on the boards, you get 1 point. If your bag goes into the hole, you get 3 points. If your bag lands on the ground, it's worth nothing. The first player to reach 21 points wins the game. Keep reading to learn more about the history of the game and how it is played today.
The History of Cornhole
The game of Cornhole is thought to have originated in Germany, although the exact origins are somewhat murky. According to one popular theory, the game was first played during the 14th century, with players throwing beans or corn kernels at a hole in a piece of wood. Another theory suggests that the game evolved from a similar medieval game called "Kegeln," which involved throwing stones at skittles.
Although the game of cornhole has been around for many years, its exact origin is unknown. Some people believe the Germany theory, while others claim it came from Cincinnati, Ohio. However it began, one thing is for sure – cornhole is a lot of fun!
Regardless of its precise origins, the game began gaining popularity in America in the late 1800s. At that time, it was known by a variety of names, including "bean bag toss," "dummy boards," and "soft horseshoes."
To standardize the rules and make the game more challenging, the American Cornhole Association was founded in 2002. Today, Cornhole is enjoyed by people of all ages and is a popular pastime at barbecues and other outdoor gatherings.
Why is it Called Cornhole?
The game of Cornhole is also known as a bean bag, soft horseshoes, or Indiana horseshoes. The game's name likely comes from an old German game called "Korn hole," which means "grain hole." Maybe that Germany theory is so farfetched after all.
In the early 1800s, it was said that the game was brought to America by German immigrants. The game was initially played with bags filled with dried corn or beans, hence the name "cornhole." Today, the game is usually played with bags filled with plastic pellets or corn kernels. Cornhole is a popular game at many outdoor gatherings and tailgates.
Cornhole, a game enjoyed by many, has a name that is often questioned. The game quickly gained popularity and now can be found in backyards and at tournaments across the country. Whether you are playing for fun or aiming for one of the top spots, keep reading to freshen up on the rules of the game.
If you are interested in learning more about the history of the game, or why it is called cornhole, you can check out our page on The History of Cornhole: From Farm Fields to Backyard BBQ's.
Official Cornhole Rules
If you've ever played cornhole, then you know you must follow some definite rules to make the game fair and enjoyable for everyone. Whether a novice player or an expert, it's always good to brush up on the official cornhole rules before your next game. Here are some basic rules to get you started:
- Two or four players may participate in this game. Player 1 vs Player 2 or Team 1 vs Team 2.
- Use a coin flip to decide which player or team throws first. Picking last during a round is usually advantageous.
- Start by throwing your bag (underhanded) at the other board. You will alternate throws with your opponent until each person has thrown all 4 of their bags.
- You will receive 1 point for every bag that falls and stays on the board.
- Three points will be added to the player's score for each bag tossed through or knocked into the hole.
- Assign points to each player at the end of every inning according to how many bags they threw successfully in the hole or on the boards.
- The game is finished when a Player or Team has 21 points or more.
There are also rules regarding the equipment used and game setup. Cornhole boards should be made of smooth plywood at least half an inch in thickness and measure 47½ to 48 inches long and 23½ to 24 inches wide. These are the regulation sized cornhole board dimensions.
Regulation cornhole boards adhere to official requirements and criteria established by the American Cornhole Association, making them officially tournament legal and ensuring a level playing field for all types of cornhole players. The best thing to do is to use an Official ACA Regulation Cornhole Board set to master your cornhole game. You can also visit the ACA Website for more on official rules, equipment and more.
When setting up the game, space your boards 27 feet apart, this is the official cornhole distance. The area around each board is known as the "pitchers" or "throwers" box. You must remain in this area when throwing, and if you happen to step in front of the boards during your toss, that is a foul and you will be awarded no points for that throw.
For a more in-depth analysis of the game rules, please check out our page on Cornhole Rules: How To Play and Win at Cornhole.
Cornhole Tips & Tricks for Beginners
Although it may look easy, landing a cornhole bag in the hole is more art than science. Though having the perfect arc and slide will almost guarantee success, executing those movements flawlessly every time is difficult. If you're new to the game, follow these tips to improve your skills and have more fun! Make sure you understand the rules, practice your throwing and catching techniques and master the art of aiming. With these tips, you'll be playing like a pro in no time! Here are some even more in-depth tips to help you out:
- Start by practicing in your yard or at a park.
- Learn the basic rules before playing with others.
- Use a smaller set of boards to make it easier to hit your target.
- Aim for the middle of the board to increase your chances of scoring points.
- Try not to get frustrated – everyone starts as a beginner at some point!
Advanced Techniques to Improve Your Game.
Now that you know the basics of Cornhole, it's time to take your game to the next level. These advanced techniques will help you score more points and impress your friends.
Stay Consistent
The key to becoming a Cornhole pro is consistency. You need to be able to replicate your best throws over and over again. The only way to do this is through practice. Set up a target in your yard and start throwing bags every day. Soon, you'll develop the muscle memory necessary to make consistent shots.
The most important thing when taking your shot is to be consistent with your form and how you release the bag. For example, if you use an overhand throw, start by holding the bag in front of your body with both hands.
Your dominant hand should be gripping the bottom of the bag while your other hand is holding the top.
Get Your Stance Down
Your stance is critical for two reasons:
- It provides stability when you're throwing the bag.
- It affects your aim. If you're new to Cornhole, start by standing perpendicular to the platform (i.e., facing it directly).
Make sure you try different stances until you find one that feels comfortable and gives you the most accuracy.
Experiment with Different Throws
There are many different ways to throw a cornhole bag, and the best way to find what works for you is to experiment. Some standard techniques include underhanded, overhand, and sidearm throws. Find a style that you're comfortable with and stick with it.
Step Forward Stance
If you are using an underhand throw, start with one foot in front of the other and the cornhole bag in front of your body. Your dominant hand should be holding the bottom of the bag while your other hand is on top. Then, just toss it!
Aim Is Essential
When you're first starting, throwing the bag as hard as possible is tempting and hoping it goes in the hole. But trust us – the aim is much more important than strength. The best way to ensure your bag goes where you want it to is by using a light touch. Focus on your form and release.
Add A Bit of Spin
If you want to take your game to the next level, try adding spin to your throws. This is a bit more advanced, but it can help you control the bag's movement and make those tricky shots. To add spin, flick your wrist as you release the bag.
For more on tips and tricks check out our page on Cornhole Tips & Tricks for Beginners.
How to Build Your Own Cornhole Boards
Cornhole game boards are not very difficult to make. There are also a number of online stores and big box retailers that sell pre-made boards. Building your own cornhole boards is easy, affordable and fun. You can get started by purchasing 2x4s for the frame of each board plus plywood - which must be 1/2" thick or else it will slide around when you set up teams against one another! The official dimensions are 2' x 4', with a 6 inch hole centered at 9 inches from top edge (and no more than 12+ centers). Predrilled versions make construction much quicker; they're available online & in store too so look out if that sounds like something interesting to try out next time round!.
Here are some easy-to-follow instructions:
Cornhole Supplies Needed:
- 2-foot x 4-foot x 1/2-inch plywood.
- 2-inch x 4-inch x 8-foot framing studs.
- 3/8-inch x 4-inch carriage bolts.
- 3/8-inch washers.
- 3/8-inch nuts.
- 3-inch wood screws.
- 1 1/2-inch wood screws.
- One can of wood sealant or paint.
- A Drill & a Saw.
Building Instructions:
- Cut the plywood into two rectangles, each 24"x48". Make sure to use a saw that is calibrated to make straight cuts. If you are not confident in making straight cuts, ask a friend or family member for help.
- Drill two holes on one end of each of the framing studs. These will be used to attach the legs later on.
- Using a sealant or paint of your choice, coat the entire surface of the wood with a protective layer. This will help keep the wood from rotting or warping over time.
- Screw the three-inch screws into the four corners of each 24"x48" piece of wood. Make sure the screws are tight, so the boards do not move around once completed.
- Connect the two smaller pieces of wood to the longer boards using the drilled holes from Step 2. The smaller pieces should be on opposite ends of each rectangle.
- Flip the board, so it is resting on its new legs, and enjoy your new cornhole set!
If you are serious about building your own cornhole set and would like to learn more, our page on How to Build Your Own DIY Cornhole Boards – A Step by Step Guide will absolutely help!
How to Purchase Cornhole Boards
Where to buy cornhole boards is a question that a lot of people have, and the answer can be a little bit tricky. Depending on where you live, there may not be a lot of places to purchase them, but we've put together a list of some of the best places to buy them and thinks to look out for. So if you're in the market for a new set of boards, we've got you covered!
In most areas in the United States, you can buy boards at a local store like Walmart or Target. However, not all of these retail giants carry top quality boards, and they almost always have a limited supply. Skip's Garage recommends that you purchase your cornhole boards online, but you also need to beware of low-quality boards that may break easily. Make sure you get a set of boards made from durable materials like wood or composite if you want them to last.
Fortunately, there are dozens of online retailers out there like Skip's Garage. These companies specialize in building and shipping custom cornhole boards with a variety of images and designs. This way, you can easily browse thousands of designs and get exactly what you are looking for. Some manufacturers even let you customize your own boards and bags!
If you are looking for more information on where to buy online or what to look for, check out our page on How To Purchase Your First Cornhole Set. If you are ready to buy your own set of awesome cornhole boards, you can start by browsing our American Cornhole Boards page.
Exciting Cornhole Accessories & Addons
If you're like most people, you've probably had a lot of fun playing cornhole this summer. But if you're getting a little tired of the same old set-up, why not spruce it up a bit? Adding a few new features to your game can make things feel fresh again. Adding a bit of personality to your boards can make playing the game even more enjoyable. So, if your set is looking a little outdated, it's time to give it a makeover! Follow these simple steps and you'll have a brand new spruced up set in no time.
- Start by painting your boards. A fun, neutral color like gray or white will brighten up any outdoor space.
- Add some accessories. You can add carrying cases, lights, scoring products and more to help spice up your next game.
- Finally, grab some new bags! Your old ones might be faded and tattered at this point. Be sure to pick out a fun print or pattern for your new bags.
With just a few simple changes, you can give your old cornhole set a fresh new look!
Cornhole Lights
Looking for a way to add some extra fun and excitement to your next cornhole game? Check out the varieties of cornhole lights! These lights easily attach to the front of your board and provide a fun, flashy light show while you play. They're a great way to add some extra excitement to your game, and they make a great conversation starter too. They provide just the right amount of light so you can see the target while keeping your hands free. Plus, they add a fun and festive look to your game!
There are quite a few different styles of lights that you can purchase and use. By far the most popular are the board hole lights. This consists of an LED Ring that mounts inside or underneath the hole. Powered by batteries, it allows you to light up the hole at night so you can keep the game going for hours after it gets dark. Even better most of these light sets feature color changing options so you can pick and choose!
The other great type of cornhole lights are the board edge lights. These are similar to rope lights and the are mounted along the outside edges of the boards. Once illuminated, they will provide a significant amount of light so you can easily play at night. These lights are also very popular as they come in a variety of colors as well.
Cornhole Carrying Cases
Looking for a way to carry your cornhole set around easily? Check out the wide selection of cornhole carrying cases! They're perfect for taking your game on the go. Plus, most are made of durable materials that will protect your game set while you're traveling or during storage. There are even a variety of sizes available so you can protect boards that come in all shapes and sizes.
If you're a fan of cornhole, then you know how important it is to have a quality carrying case. Not only does it protect your boards and bags during transport, but it also keeps everything organized and easy to access. Whether you're looking for something small and compact or something that can carry multiple sets of boards and bags, you can easily find what you are looking for.
So if you're looking for a way to take your cornhole game up a notch, be sure to check out all of the great additional accessories we carry. For more options and detailed explanations, check out our page on How to Choose the Right Cornhole Accessories For Your Game. If you are looking to purchase you can visit our Cornhole Accessories page.
Where to Use Your New Cornhole Boards
There are a lot of places to play cornhole. You can find a board set up in someone's driveway, or you can venture out to a more formal setting like your local park or bar. No matter where you choose to play, make sure the conditions are right for you and your fellow players. Whether you're looking for an intense competitive environment or just a fun way to spend an afternoon with friends, these spots have you covered. Here are a few things to keep in mind when looking for the perfect spot to toss some bags.
Choose an Appropriate Location
When playing Cornhole outdoors, it's essential to choose a relatively flat location free of obstacles. This will help ensure that the bags stay in the game area and don't end up in the bushes or trees nearby.
Cornhole can be a pretty active game, so make sure there is plenty of space for players to move around. For example, if you're playing in an enclosed area, such as a park or backyard, ensure the boundaries are marked, so players don't run into them while running downcourt after scoring.
Do you love a good tailgate party before a big game? Who doesn't?! Well, if you're looking for a fun new twist on your traditional pre-game celebration, why not try playing cornhole? This classic yard game is the perfect addition to any tailgate party - and it's easy to learn how to play. Nothing brings people together like getting some friendly competition going while enjoying good food and drinks.
Plus, it's the perfect way to keep everyone entertained while you wait for the game to start. Players should take extra precautions when playing Cornhole in sunny weather. Make sure to wear sunscreen and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. And if you're feeling hot, take a break from the game and cool off in the shade.
If you are looking for additional fun and exciting places to use your new boards, check out our page on Where to Play Cornhole and Other Backyard Games.
Variations of the Game of Cornhole
Many variations of the game of Cornhole can make the experience more fun and exciting. One such variation is to use a different type of bean bag. For example, some people prefer to use bags filled with other objects, such as small rocks, sand, or even beads, instead of the traditional corn-filled bag. This can add an extra level of difficulty to the game.
Another variation is to play with teams. In this format, two teams compete against each other to see who can score the most points in a given amount of time. This version of the game is often played outdoors and can be great for larger groups of people. Here are some additional variations:
- Traditional Cornhole: This is the most common version of the game and is played with two teams of two players each. The competition aims to score points by landing the bean bag on the board or in the hole.
- Double Hole: This variation is played with two holes, one in the center and one at the end of the board. The game aims to score points by landing the bean bag in either spot.
- Round Robin: This variation is played with four players, each taking turns to throw two bean bags at the board. The game aims to score points by landing the bean bag on the board or in the hole. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
- Speed Round: This variation is played with two teams of two players. The game aims to score points by landing the bean bag on the board or in the hole. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
- Endurance Round: This variation is played with two teams of two players. The game aims to score points by landing the bean bag on the board or in the hole. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
- Last Bag Standing: This variation is played with two teams of two players. The game aims to score points by landing the bean bag on the board or in the hole. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
For more information on these other fun games as well as other variations, take a look at page about Cornhole Game Variations.
Enjoy You Next Game of Cornhole
Cornhole is a great game to play outdoors with friends and family. It’s easy to learn how to play, but can be challenging enough that you won’t get bored of it quickly, especially since there are so many variations. We hope this guide has helped you understand the basics of the game, some of the general rules and we hope it has given you some ideas on how to improve your skills.
Cornhole is a game that has been around for centuries and it is still being enjoyed by many people today. Whether you are playing at a tailgate party or in your backyard, it is always a fun game to play. The game has come a long way in its history, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. It doesn't matter if you're playing for fun or competition, cornhole is always a good time.
Have you tried playing this popular game yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Who knows, maybe you will be the next person to win the World Championship of Cornhole! Either way, we recommend trying it if you're looking for a fun outdoor activity! For more information, please do not hesitate to contact The Team at Skip's Garage. You can also visit our Cornhole Store to browse and pick out the perfect set of new boards today!